Last updated: 2018-01-27

Code version: 1539445


Based on the document of the authors [], we should choose lambda (\(\lambda\)) as “Ideally lambda should be chosen so that the solution reached has rank slightly less than rank.max.”

Brease Cancer data in flash paper

CVPMD_softImpute=function(Y,c_s,K,fold = 10, method = "PMD"){
  N = dim(Y)[1]
  P = dim(Y)[2]
  colindex = matrix(sample(P,P),ncol = fold)
  rowindex = matrix(sample(N,N),ncol = fold)

  missing= array(0,dim = c(fold,N,P))
  foldindex = array(0,dim = c(fold,fold,2))
  for(i in 1:fold){
    for(j in 1:fold){
      foldindex[i,j,1] = i
      foldindex[i,j,2] = (i+j) %% fold
  foldindex[which(foldindex == 0)] = fold
  for(i in 1:fold){
    missing[i, , ] = Y
    for(j in 1:fold){
      missing[i,rowindex[,foldindex[j,i,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,i,2]]] = NA
    missing[i,,which(colSums(missing[i,,],na.rm = T) ==0)] = Y[,which(colSums(missing[i,,],na.rm = T) ==0)]
  # c_s is the candicate of shrinkage parameter
  n_s = length(c_s)
  # rmse for each grids
  CVRMSE = rep(0,n_s)
  minrmse = Inf
  opt_s = 0
  # for each candidate, we run it N_sim times
  for(t_s in 1:n_s){
    # for each grid
    # each time we set the rmse to zeros
    rmse = rep(0,fold)
    for(i in 1:fold){
      if(method == "PMD"){
        res_log = capture.output({out = PMD(missing[i,,], sumabs = c_s[t_s], sumabsv = NULL, sumabsu = NULL,K = K)})
        out = softImpute(missing[i,,], rank.max = K,lambda = c_s[t_s])
        misshat = (out$d) * out$u %*% t(out$v)
        misshat = out$u %*%  diag(out$d) %*% t(out$v)
      for(j in 1:fold){
        # for each fold j
        rmse[i] = rmse[i] + sum((Y[rowindex[,foldindex[j,i,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,i,2]]] -
                                   misshat[rowindex[,foldindex[j,i,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,i,2]]])^2,na.rm = TRUE)
    } #get the result for one run
    CVRMSE[t_s] = CVRMSE[t_s] + sqrt(sum(rmse)/(N*P))
    if(CVRMSE[t_s] < minrmse){
      minrmse = CVRMSE[t_s]
      opt_s = c_s[t_s]
  return(list(opt_s = opt_s, output = CVRMSE))

softImpute.wrapper = function(Y,ngrids = 10,K,fold = 10){
  N = dim(Y)[1]
  P = dim(Y)[2]
  c_s = seq(0,100,len=ngrids)
  cvout = CVPMD_softImpute(Y,c_s,K ,fold , method = "softImpute")
  out = softImpute(Y, rank.max = K,lambda = cvout$opt_s)
  return(list(d = out$d, u = out$u, v = out$v))

OCV_index=function(Y,k_fold = 5){
  N = dim(Y)[1]
  P = dim(Y)[2]
  colindex = matrix(sample(P,P),ncol = k_fold)
  rowindex = matrix(sample(N,N),ncol = k_fold)

  foldindex = array(0,dim = c(k_fold,k_fold,2))
  for(i in 1:k_fold){
    for(j in 1:k_fold){
      foldindex[i,j,1] = i
      foldindex[i,j,2] = (i+j) %% k_fold
  foldindex[which(foldindex == 0)] = k_fold

  return(list(foldindex = foldindex, rowindex = rowindex, colindex = colindex))
# OCVindex = OCV_index(Y,k_fold = 5)

OCV_data = function(Y,OCVindex,k_fold = 5){
  N = dim(Y)[1]
  P = dim(Y)[2]
  colindex = OCVindex$colindex
  rowindex = OCVindex$rowindex
  foldindex = OCVindex$foldindex
  missing= array(0,dim = c(k_fold,N,P))
  for(i in 1:k_fold){
    missing[i, , ] = Y
    for(j in 1:k_fold){
      missing[i,rowindex[,foldindex[j,i,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,i,2]]] = NA
    missing[i,,which(colSums(missing[i,,],na.rm = T) ==0)] = Y[,which(colSums(missing[i,,],na.rm = T) ==0)]
# OCVdata = OCV_data(Y,OCVindex,k_fold = 5)

OCV_SSE = function(Y,OCVindex,OCVdata,k_fold = 5,method = "flash",Kmax = 50){
  colindex = OCVindex$colindex
  rowindex = OCVindex$rowindex
  foldindex = OCVindex$foldindex
  missing = OCVdata
  SSE = rep(0,k_fold)
  for(i in 1:k_fold){
    miss_hat = call_method(missing[i,,], method = method, Kmax = Kmax)
    for(j in 1:k_fold){
      SSE[i] = SSE[i] + sum((Y[rowindex[,foldindex[j,i,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,i,2]]] -
                               miss_hat[rowindex[,foldindex[j,i,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,i,2]]])^2,na.rm = TRUE)
  RMSE = sqrt(sum(SSE)/(dim(Y)[1] * dim(Y)[2]))

call_method = function(Y_data,method,Kmax = 50){
  if(method == "flash"){
    data = flashr2::flash_set_data(Y_data)
    f_greedy = flashr2::flash_add_greedy(data,K=Kmax)
    Y_hat = f_greedy$EL %*% t(f_greedy$EF)
  }else if(method == "flash_wn"){
    data = flashr2::flash_set_data(Y_data)
    f_greedy = flashr2::flash_add_greedy(data,K=Kmax,nullcheck=FALSE)
    Y_hat = f_greedy$EL %*% t(f_greedy$EF)
  }else if(method == "flash_gb"){
    data = flashr2::flash_set_data(Y_data)
    f_greedy = flashr2::flash_add_greedy(data,K=Kmax)
    f = flashr2::flash_backfit(data,f_greedy)
    Y_hat = f$EL %*% t(f$EF)
  }else if(method == "flash_bf"){
    data = flashr2::flash_set_data(Y_data)
    f_data = flashr2::flash_add_factors_from_data(data,K = Kmax)
    f = flashr2::flash_backfit(data,f_data)
    Y_hat = f$EL %*% t(f$EF)
  }else if(method == "PMD"){
    res_log = capture.output({out = PMA.wrapper(Y_data,ngrids = 10,K = Kmax,fold = 10)})
      Y_hat =  (out$d) * out$u %*% t(out$v)
      Y_hat =  out$u %*% diag(out$d) %*% t(out$v)
  }else if(method == 'PN'){
    data = flashr2::flash_set_data(Y_data)
    f_greedy = flashr2::flash_add_greedy(data,K=Kmax,ebnm_fn = ebnm_pn)
    Y_hat = f_greedy$EL %*% t(f_greedy$EF)
  }else if(method == 'PMD_d'){
    out = PMA::PMD(Y_data, K = Kmax)
    Y_hat =  out$u %*% diag(out$d) %*% t(out$v)
  }else if(method == 'softImpute_d'){
    gsoft = softImpute::softImpute(Y_data, rank.max = Kmax)
    Y_hat =  gsoft$u %*% diag(gsoft$d) %*% t(gsoft$v)
  }else if(method == "softImpute"){
    gsoft = try(softImpute.wrapper(Y_data,ngrids = 10,K = Kmax,fold = 10))
      Y_hat =  try((gsoft$d) * gsoft$u %*% t(gsoft$v))
      Y_hat =  try(gsoft$u %*% diag(gsoft$d) %*% t(gsoft$v))
  }else if(method == "SF_flash"){
    gsoft = try(softImpute.wrapper(Y_data,ngrids = 10,K = Kmax,fold = 10))
    LL = gsoft$u %*% diag(gsoft$d)
    FF = gsoft$v
    data = flashr2::flash_set_data(Y_data)
    f_data = flashr2::flash_add_lf(data, LL=LL, FF=FF)
    f = flashr2::flash_backfit(data,f_data)
    Y_hat = f$EL %*% t(f$EF)
    # stop("the method is not implemented yet, please check it out")
    Y_hat = matrix(0,ncol = dim(Y_data)[2],nrow = dim(Y_data)[1])

read the data

## run the code
Y_centered = readMat("../data/output/missingdata/BreastCancer/example.mat")
Y = Y_centered$Y
# in the matlab package of NSF, the use the centered data by rows
N = dim(Y)[1]
P = dim(Y)[2]
Y = Y - rowMeans(Y) %*% t(rep(1,P))

first we try to get the lambda based on the authors suggestion.

OCVindex = OCV_index(Y,k_fold = 10)
Warning in matrix(sample(P, P), ncol = k_fold): data length [251] is not a
sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows [26]
Warning in matrix(sample(N, N), ncol = k_fold): data length [226] is not a
sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows [23]
OCVdata = OCV_data(Y,OCVindex,k_fold = 10)

colindex = OCVindex$colindex
rowindex = OCVindex$rowindex
foldindex = OCVindex$foldindex
missing = OCVdata
Y_data = missing[1,,]

out = softImpute(Y_data, rank.max = 40,lambda = 80)
[1] 2
out = softImpute(Y_data, rank.max = 40,lambda = 30)
[1] 6
out = softImpute(Y_data, rank.max = 40,lambda = 20)
[1] 12
out = softImpute(Y_data, rank.max = 40,lambda = 10)
[1] 39
out = softImpute(Y_data, rank.max = 40,lambda = 9)
[1] 40

so it seems 10 or 11 should be a good choice which “Ideally lambda should be chosen so that the solution reached has rank slightly less than rank.max”

OCV choice

for the grids we choose in our paper, we use 0-100 with ten grids

N = dim(Y_data)[1]
P = dim(Y_data)[2]
ngrids = 10
fold = 10
K = 40
c_s = seq(0,100,len=ngrids)
cvout = CVPMD_softImpute(Y_data,c_s,K ,fold , method = "softImpute")
Warning in matrix(sample(P, P), ncol = fold): data length [251] is not a
sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows [26]
Warning in matrix(sample(N, N), ncol = fold): data length [226] is not a
sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows [23]
[1] 11.11111

 [1] 0.8742816 0.4972259 0.5696617 0.6279753 0.6746724 0.7150694 0.7447674
 [8] 0.7707636 0.7996542 0.8310751

the result fit the authors’ suggestion well (we choose \(\lambda = 11\)).

But can we try smaller grids with OCV

N = dim(Y_data)[1]
P = dim(Y_data)[2]
ngrids = 10
fold = 10
K = 40
c_s = seq(0,15,len=ngrids)
cvout = CVPMD_softImpute(Y_data,c_s,K ,fold , method = "softImpute")
Warning in matrix(sample(P, P), ncol = fold): data length [251] is not a
sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows [26]
Warning in matrix(sample(N, N), ncol = fold): data length [226] is not a
sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows [23]
[1] 5

 [1] 0.8380433 0.5074552 0.4683111 0.4617617 0.4663861 0.4753156 0.4859248
 [8] 0.4973069 0.5087384 0.5199873

At this time, we can see that we choose \(\lambda = 5\) this time.

check the result

out = softImpute(Y_data, rank.max = 40,lambda = 10)
miss_hat = out$u %*% diag(out$d) %*% t(out$v)
SSE = 0
for(j in 1:fold){
      SSE = SSE + sum((Y[rowindex[,foldindex[j,1,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,1,2]]] -
                               miss_hat[rowindex[,foldindex[j,1,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,1,2]]])^2,na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 0.4859588
out = softImpute(Y_data, rank.max = 40,lambda = 5)
miss_hat = out$u %*% diag(out$d) %*% t(out$v)
SSE = 0
for(j in 1:fold){
      SSE = SSE + sum((Y[rowindex[,foldindex[j,1,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,1,2]]] -
                               miss_hat[rowindex[,foldindex[j,1,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,1,2]]])^2,na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 0.4626847

we can see that the result is slightly improved.

Session information

R version 3.3.0 (2016-05-03)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X 10.13.2 (unknown)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] softImpute_1.4  Matrix_1.2-11   R.matlab_3.6.1  MASS_7.3-47    
[5] workflowr_0.4.0 rmarkdown_1.6   ggplot2_2.2.1  

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.14      rstudioapi_0.6    flashr2_0.4-0    
 [4] knitr_1.18        magrittr_1.5      munsell_0.4.3    
 [7] lattice_0.20-35   colorspace_1.3-2  rlang_0.1.6      
[10] stringr_1.2.0     plyr_1.8.4        tools_3.3.0      
[13] grid_3.3.0        gtable_0.2.0      R.oo_1.21.0      
[16] PMA_1.0.9         git2r_0.19.0      htmltools_0.3.6  
[19] yaml_2.1.16       lazyeval_0.2.0    digest_0.6.13    
[22] rprojroot_1.2     tibble_1.3.4      gridExtra_2.3    
[25] R.utils_2.5.0     ssvd_1.0          evaluate_0.10.1  
[28] labeling_0.3      stringi_1.1.6     R.methodsS3_1.7.1
[31] scales_0.4.1      backports_1.1.2  

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