Last updated: 2018-02-11

Code version: dcd6356


  1. creat a folder
mkdir Breastcancer
  1. put your data into this folder

here we use the file ‘example.mat’. the reason we use .mat file is because there is a matlab package in our comparision.

  1. creat the wrapper function in R and matlab

wrapper function for OCV

CVPMD_softImpute=function(Y,c_s,K,fold = 10, method = "PMD"){
  N = dim(Y)[1]
  P = dim(Y)[2]
  colindex = matrix(sample(P,P),ncol = fold)
  rowindex = matrix(sample(N,N),ncol = fold)

  missing= array(0,dim = c(fold,N,P))
  foldindex = array(0,dim = c(fold,fold,2))
  for(i in 1:fold){
    for(j in 1:fold){
      foldindex[i,j,1] = i
      foldindex[i,j,2] = (i+j) %% fold
  foldindex[which(foldindex == 0)] = fold
  for(i in 1:fold){
    missing[i, , ] = Y
    for(j in 1:fold){
      missing[i,rowindex[,foldindex[j,i,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,i,2]]] = NA
    missing[i,,which(colSums(missing[i,,],na.rm = T) ==0)] = Y[,which(colSums(missing[i,,],na.rm = T) ==0)]
  # c_s is the candicate of shrinkage parameter
  n_s = length(c_s)
  # rmse for each grids
  CVRMSE = rep(0,n_s)
  minrmse = Inf
  opt_s = 0
  # for each candidate, we run it N_sim times
  for(t_s in 1:n_s){
    # for each grid
    # each time we set the rmse to zeros
    rmse = rep(0,fold)
    for(i in 1:fold){
      if(method == "PMD"){
        res_log = capture.output({out = PMD(missing[i,,], sumabs = c_s[t_s], sumabsv = NULL, sumabsu = NULL,K = K)})
        out = softImpute(missing[i,,], rank.max = K,lambda = c_s[t_s])
        misshat = (out$d) * out$u %*% t(out$v)
        misshat = out$u %*%  diag(out$d) %*% t(out$v)
      for(j in 1:fold){
        # for each fold j
        rmse[i] = rmse[i] + sum((Y[rowindex[,foldindex[j,i,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,i,2]]] -
                                   misshat[rowindex[,foldindex[j,i,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,i,2]]])^2,na.rm = TRUE)
    } #get the result for one run
    CVRMSE[t_s] = CVRMSE[t_s] + sqrt(sum(rmse)/(N*P))
    if(CVRMSE[t_s] < minrmse){
      minrmse = CVRMSE[t_s]
      opt_s = c_s[t_s]
  return(list(opt_s = opt_s, output = CVRMSE))

PMA.wrapper = function(Y,ngrids = 10,K,fold = 10){
  N = dim(Y)[1]
  P = dim(Y)[2]
  c_s = seq(0.3,0.8,len=ngrids)
  cvout = CVPMD_softImpute(Y,c_s,K ,fold , method = "PMD")
  res_log = capture.output({out = PMD(Y,sumabsu = NULL, sumabsv = NULL, sumabs = cvout$opt_s ,K = K)})
  return(list(d = out$d, u = out$u, v = out$v))

softImpute.wrapper = function(Y,ngrids = 10,K,fold = 10){
  N = dim(Y)[1]
  P = dim(Y)[2]
  c_s = seq(0,100,len=ngrids)
  cvout = CVPMD_softImpute(Y,c_s,K ,fold , method = "softImpute")
  out = softImpute(Y, rank.max = K,lambda = cvout$opt_s)
  return(list(d = out$d, u = out$u, v = out$v))

OCV_index=function(Y,k_fold = 5){
  N = dim(Y)[1]
  P = dim(Y)[2]
  colindex = matrix(sample(P,P),ncol = k_fold)
  rowindex = matrix(sample(N,N),ncol = k_fold)

  foldindex = array(0,dim = c(k_fold,k_fold,2))
  for(i in 1:k_fold){
    for(j in 1:k_fold){
      foldindex[i,j,1] = i
      foldindex[i,j,2] = (i+j) %% k_fold
  foldindex[which(foldindex == 0)] = k_fold

  return(list(foldindex = foldindex, rowindex = rowindex, colindex = colindex))
# OCVindex = OCV_index(Y,k_fold = 5)

OCV_data = function(Y,OCVindex,k_fold = 5){
  N = dim(Y)[1]
  P = dim(Y)[2]
  colindex = OCVindex$colindex
  rowindex = OCVindex$rowindex
  foldindex = OCVindex$foldindex
  missing= array(0,dim = c(k_fold,N,P))
  for(i in 1:k_fold){
    missing[i, , ] = Y
    for(j in 1:k_fold){
      missing[i,rowindex[,foldindex[j,i,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,i,2]]] = NA
    missing[i,,which(colSums(missing[i,,],na.rm = T) ==0)] = Y[,which(colSums(missing[i,,],na.rm = T) ==0)]
# OCVdata = OCV_data(Y,OCVindex,k_fold = 5)

OCV_SSE = function(Y,OCVindex,OCVdata,k_fold = 5,method = "flash",Kmax = 50){
  colindex = OCVindex$colindex
  rowindex = OCVindex$rowindex
  foldindex = OCVindex$foldindex
  missing = OCVdata
  SSE = rep(0,k_fold)
  for(i in 1:k_fold){
    miss_hat = call_method(missing[i,,], method = method, Kmax = Kmax)
    for(j in 1:k_fold){
      SSE[i] = SSE[i] + sum((Y[rowindex[,foldindex[j,i,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,i,2]]] -
                               miss_hat[rowindex[,foldindex[j,i,1]],colindex[,foldindex[j,i,2]]])^2,na.rm = TRUE)
  RMSE = sqrt(sum(SSE)/(dim(Y)[1] * dim(Y)[2]))

call_method = function(Y_data,method,Kmax = 50){
  if(method == "flash"){
    data = flashr::flash_set_data(Y_data)
    f_greedy = flashr::flash_add_greedy(data,K=Kmax)
    Y_hat = f_greedy$EL %*% t(f_greedy$EF)
  }else if(method == "flash_wn"){
    data = flashr::flash_set_data(Y_data)
    f_greedy = flashr::flash_add_greedy(data,K=Kmax,nullcheck=FALSE)
    Y_hat = f_greedy$EL %*% t(f_greedy$EF)
  }else if(method == "flash_gb"){
    data = flashr::flash_set_data(Y_data)
    f_greedy = flashr::flash_add_greedy(data,K=Kmax)
    f = flashr::flash_backfit(data,f_greedy)
    Y_hat = f$EL %*% t(f$EF)
  }else if(method == "flash_bf"){
    data = flashr::flash_set_data(Y_data)
    f_data = flashr::flash_add_factors_from_data(data,K = Kmax)
    f = flashr::flash_backfit(data,f_data)
    Y_hat = f$EL %*% t(f$EF)
  }else if(method == "PMD"){
    res_log = capture.output({out = PMA.wrapper(Y_data,ngrids = 10,K = Kmax,fold = 10)})
      Y_hat =  (out$d) * out$u %*% t(out$v)
      Y_hat =  out$u %*% diag(out$d) %*% t(out$v)
  }else if(method == 'PN'){
    data = flashr::flash_set_data(Y_data)
    f_greedy = flashr::flash_add_greedy(data,K=Kmax,ebnm_fn = ebnm_pn)
    Y_hat = f_greedy$EL %*% t(f_greedy$EF)
  }else if(method == 'PMD_d'){
    out = PMA::PMD(Y_data, K = Kmax)
    Y_hat =  out$u %*% diag(out$d) %*% t(out$v)
  }else if(method == 'softImpute_d'){
    gsoft = softImpute::softImpute(Y_data, rank.max = Kmax)
    Y_hat =  gsoft$u %*% diag(gsoft$d) %*% t(gsoft$v)
  }else if(method == "softImpute"){
    gsoft = try(softImpute.wrapper(Y_data,ngrids = 10,K = Kmax,fold = 10))
      Y_hat =  try((gsoft$d) * gsoft$u %*% t(gsoft$v))
      Y_hat =  try(gsoft$u %*% diag(gsoft$d) %*% t(gsoft$v))
  }else if(method == "SF_flash"){
    gsoft = try(softImpute.wrapper(Y_data,ngrids = 10,K = Kmax,fold = 10))
    LL = gsoft$u %*% diag(gsoft$d)
    FF = gsoft$v
    data = flashr::flash_set_data(Y_data)
    f_data = flashr::flash_add_lf(data, LL=LL, FF=FF)
    f = flashr::flash_backfit(data,f_data)
    Y_hat = f$EL %*% t(f$EF)
    # stop("the method is not implemented yet, please check it out")
    Y_hat = matrix(0,ncol = dim(Y_data)[2],nrow = dim(Y_data)[1])

NSF_OCV = function(OCVindex){
    unlink("NBSFAout", recursive= T)
  system("mkdir NBSFAout")
  # write the missing index

  writeMat("./NBSFAout/OCVindex.mat", OCVindex = OCVindex)

  system("matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r \"addpath(\'../\'); run(\'missvalue.m\');exit;\" ")
  g_nsfa = readMat("./NBSFAout/NSFAresult.mat")
  nsfa_rmse = as.vector(g_nsfa$RMSE)

This file name is wrapper.R

matlab code

In this folder


% you need to change the path and the data file (not centered)
load ../Ydata.mat;
% now the missing is decide by the this is the missing index.(or you can upload the missing matrix)

file_path = fullfile(pwd,'NBSFAout/OCVindex.mat');

% missindex = ones(settings.D,settings.N); this is not missing index this
% is observed index.
missindex = (~isnan(Y));
k_fold = 10;
foldindex = zeros(k_fold,k_fold,2);
for k = 1:2
    for j = 1:k_fold
        for i = 1:k_fold
            foldindex(i,j,k) = OCVindex.foldindex(i + k_fold*(j - 1) + k_fold * k_fold * (k - 1));

SSE = zeros(1,k_fold);
for i = 1:k_fold
    mvmask = missindex;
    for j = 1:k_fold
        mvmask(OCVindex.rowindex(:,foldindex(j,i,1)),OCVindex.colindex(:,foldindex(j,i,2))) = 0;
    mvmask(:,sum(mvmask) == 0) = (missindex(:,sum(mvmask) == 0));
    Y_hat = (finalsample.G *  finalsample.X);
    for j = 1:k_fold
        SSE(i) = SSE(i) + ...
            sum(nansum((Ycentered(OCVindex.rowindex(:,foldindex(j,i,1)),OCVindex.colindex(:,foldindex(j,i,2)))- ...


RMSE = sqrt(sum(SSE)/(settings.D*settings.N));

save_path = fullfile(pwd,'NBSFAout/NSFAresult');

you need change the path ~/HG/flash/data/missingvalue/methods/NBSF/nsfa-master/ and ~/HG/flash/data/missingvalue/methods/NBSF/nsfa-master/utils/ which have the NBSFA matlab code.

creat the run.R file to run the code

In this case, we have problem in running flashr on RCC. so we just try other methods first.

## run the code
Y_centered = readMat("../example.mat")
Y = Y_centered$Y
# in the matlab package of NSF, the use the centered data by rows
N = dim(Y)[1]
P = dim(Y)[2]
Y = Y - rowMeans(Y) %*% t(rep(1,P))
OCVindex = OCV_index(Y,k_fold = 10)
OCVdata = OCV_data(Y,OCVindex,k_fold = 10)

PN_rmse = OCV_SSE(Y,OCVindex,OCVdata,k_fold = 10,method = "PN",Kmax = 40)
flashG_rmse = OCV_SSE(Y,OCVindex,OCVdata,k_fold = 10,method = "flash",Kmax = 40)
flashGwn_rmse = OCV_SSE(Y,OCVindex,OCVdata,k_fold = 10,method = "flash_wn",Kmax = 40)
flashB_rmse = OCV_SSE(Y,OCVindex,OCVdata,k_fold = 10,method = "flash_bf",Kmax = 40)
pmd_rmse = OCV_SSE(Y,OCVindex,OCVdata,k_fold = 10,method = "PMD",Kmax = 40)
soft_rmse = OCV_SSE(Y,OCVindex,OCVdata,k_fold = 10,method = "softImpute",Kmax = 40)
nsfa_rmse = NSF_OCV(OCVindex)

result = c(PN_rmse,flashG_rmse,flashGwn_rmse,flashB_rmse,nsfa_rmse,pmd_rmse,soft_rmse)
saveRDS(result, "./NBSFAout/output.rds")

this file name is runOCV.R

To read different data sets, please click here for more details

creat folder to track the result

mkdir outlog

creat .sbatch file


#SBATCH --job-name=arrayJob
#SBATCH --output=./outlog/arrayJob_%A_%a.out
#SBATCH --error=./outlog/arrayJob_%A_%a.err
#SBATCH --array=1-20
#SBATCH --time=26:00:00
#SBATCH --partition=mstephens
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=8000

# Begin work section #

# Print this sub-job's task ID
module load R
module load matlab

mkdir test${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}
Rscript --verbose ../runOCV.R

this file is name as OCV.sbatch

run OCV

now in your folder, you should have:

[weidong@midway2-login1 Breastcancer]$ ls
OCV.sbatch  example.mat  missvalue.m  outlog  runOCV.R  wrapper.R
sbatch OCV.sbatch

to get the result

T = 20
results = matrix(NA,ncol = 7, nrow = T)
for(i in 1:T){
  test_folder = paste("test", i, sep = "")
  out_folder = "NBSFAout"
  out_file = "output.rds"
  file_name = file.path(test_folder,out_folder,out_file)
  results[i,] = try(readRDS(file_name))


plot the result

# this is the independent result

plot_res = function(output,title = "data",legend_position = "none", x_label, myColors){
  rmse = as.vector(output)
  N = dim(output)[1]
  methods = rep(x_label, each = N)
  df = data.frame(RMSE = rmse, Method = methods )
  p<-ggplot(df, aes(x=Method, y=RMSE, color=Method)) +
    # geom_violin()+
    ggtitle(title) +  theme_bw()+  scale_color_manual(values=myColors)+
    theme(legend.position= legend_position, legend.text=element_text(size=15),
          plot.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"),
          axis.text.y = element_text(size =12.6),
          axis.text.x = element_text(size =12.6,angle = 45, hjust = 1))


fill_color = c("red","yellow3", "tan1","springgreen3", "springgreen","deepskyblue3","deepskyblue")

##############  MovieLens data

ML_res = readRDS("../data/output/missingdata/MovieLens/ML100K_box.rds")
ML_res[c(2,13,17,21,29,37,62,76,77,93,95,100),] = NA
ML_res = matrix(as.numeric(ML_res),ncol = 4)
# c("flash","NBSFA","PMD","softImpute")
ml_res = readRDS("../data/output/missingdata/MovieLens/boxplot_cv.rds")
# flashG_rmse,flashGwn_rmse,pmd_rmse,soft_rmse
ml_res[1:20,] = sqrt((ml_res[1:20,])^2 * (943*1682)/(100000))
ml_res = ml_res[1:20,]
ML_res = ML_res[-c(2,13,17,21,29,37,62,76,77,93,95,100),]
ML_res = ML_res[1:20,]
# add PN result
ML_pn_res = readRDS("../data/output/missingdata/MovieLens/box_cv_pn.rds")
# the result order would be flashG PMD PMDcv NSFA SF SFcv
output = cbind(ML_pn_res[,1],ML_pn_res[,2],ML_res[,3],ml_res[,3],ML_res[,2],ML_res[,4],ml_res[,4])

x_label= c("flash","","PMD","PMD.cv1","NBSFA","SI","")
plotM = plot_res(output,"MovieLens data",x_label = x_label,myColors = fill_color)

############ Breast Cancer data

BC_res = readRDS("../data/output/missingdata/BreastCancer/BreastCancer_box.rds")
BC_res = BC_res[1:20,]
# c("flash","NBSFA","PMD","softImpute")
bc_res = readRDS("../data/output/missingdata/BreastCancer/box_Breast.rds")
# c("PN","flashG","flashGwn","flashB","nsfa","pmd","soft")

# the result order would be flashG PMD PMDcv NSFA SF SFcv
output = cbind(bc_res[,2],bc_res[,1],BC_res[,3],bc_res[,6],BC_res[,2],BC_res[,4],bc_res[,7])
x_label= c("flash","","PMD","PMD.cv1","NBSFA","SI","")
plotB = plot_res(output,"Breast cancer data",x_label = x_label,myColors = fill_color)

############ GTEx data

GZ_res = readRDS("../data/output/missingdata/GTExZsocre/gtexzscore_box.rds")
GZ_res = GZ_res[1:20,]
# c("flash","NBSFA","PMD","softImpute")
gz_res = readRDS("../data/output/missingdata/GTExZsocre/box_cv.rds")
# flashG_rmse,nsfa_rmse,pmd_rmse,soft_rmse
gz_pn_res = readRDS("../data/output/missingdata/GTExZsocre/box_pn.rds")
gz_pn_res[c(23,25,29,34),] = NA
gz_pn_res = matrix(as.numeric(gz_pn_res[21:40,]),ncol = 2)

# the result order would be flashG PMD PMDcv NSFA SF SFcv
output = cbind(gz_res[,1],gz_pn_res[,2],GZ_res[,3],gz_res[,3],GZ_res[,2],GZ_res[,4],gz_res[,4])
x_label= c("flash","","PMD","PMD.cv1","NBSFA","SI","")
plotG = plot_res(output,"GTEx data",x_label = x_label,myColors = fill_color)

############ Text data

PT_res = readRDS("../data/output/missingdata/DenoiseRtext/president_box.rds")
PT_res = PT_res[1:20,]
# c("flash","NBSFA","PMD","softImpute")
pt_res = readRDS("../data/output/missingdata/DenoiseRtext/box_president.rds")
# c("PN","flashG","flashGwn","flashB","nsfa","pmd","soft","zero")

# the result order would be flashG PMD PMDcv NSFA SF SFcv
output = cbind(pt_res[,3],pt_res[,1],PT_res[,3],pt_res[,6],PT_res[,2],PT_res[,4],pt_res[,7])
x_label= c("flash","","PMD","PMD.cv1","NBSFA","SI","")
plotP = plot_res(output,"Presidential address data",x_label = x_label,myColors = fill_color)

############ Tumor data

DT_res = readRDS("../data/output/missingdata/DenoiseRtumor/denoiseRtumor_box.rds")
DT_res = DT_res[1:20,]
# c("flash","NBSFA","PMD","softImpute")
dt_res = readRDS("../data/output/missingdata/DenoiseRtumor/box_denoiseTumor.rds")
# c("PN","flashG","flashGwn","flashB","nsfa","pmd","soft")

# the result order would be flashG PMD PMDcv NSFA SF SFcv
output = cbind(dt_res[,2],dt_res[,1],DT_res[,3],dt_res[,6],DT_res[,2],DT_res[,4],dt_res[,7])
x_label= c("flash","","PMD","PMD.cv1","NBSFA","SI","")
plotT = plot_res(output,"Tumor data",x_label = x_label,myColors = fill_color)
# gridExtra::grid.arrange(plotP,plotT,plotG,plotB,plotM, layout_matrix = rbind(c(1,NA,2),c(NA,5,NA),c(4,NA,3)))
gridExtra::grid.arrange(plotM,plotT,plotG,plotB,plotP, layout_matrix = rbind(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,NA) ))
Warning: Removed 4 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).

other information

please click here to check other information Missing data OCV settings

Session information

R version 3.3.0 (2016-05-03)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X 10.13.3 (unknown)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] denoiseR_1.0    scales_0.4.1    MASS_7.3-47     reshape2_1.4.3 
 [5] flashr_0.4-6    workflowr_0.4.0 rmarkdown_1.6   ggplot2_2.2.1  
 [9] R.matlab_3.6.1  softImpute_1.4  Matrix_1.2-11   PMA_1.0.9      
[13] impute_1.48.0   plyr_1.8.4      ssvd_1.0       

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] ashr_2.2-3           lattice_0.20-35      colorspace_1.3-2    
 [4] htmltools_0.3.6      yaml_2.1.16          rlang_0.1.6         
 [7] R.oo_1.21.0          withr_2.1.1          R.utils_2.5.0       
[10] foreach_1.4.4        stringr_1.2.0        munsell_0.4.3       
[13] gtable_0.2.0         R.methodsS3_1.7.1    devtools_1.13.3     
[16] codetools_0.2-15     leaps_3.0            evaluate_0.10.1     
[19] memoise_1.1.0        labeling_0.3         knitr_1.18          
[22] pscl_1.5.2           doParallel_1.0.11    irlba_2.2.1         
[25] parallel_3.3.0       curl_2.8.1           Rcpp_0.12.14        
[28] flashClust_1.01-2    backports_1.1.2      scatterplot3d_0.3-40
[31] truncnorm_1.0-7      gridExtra_2.3        digest_0.6.13       
[34] stringi_1.1.6        flashr2_0.4-0        grid_3.3.0          
[37] rprojroot_1.2        tools_3.3.0          magrittr_1.5        
[40] lazyeval_0.2.0       tibble_1.3.4         cluster_2.0.6       
[43] FactoMineR_1.36      SQUAREM_2017.10-1    httr_1.3.0          
[46] rstudioapi_0.6       iterators_1.0.9      R6_2.2.2            
[49] git2r_0.19.0        

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